The Thanksgiving season is upon us, a time for reflection and gratitude. Each year, as Thanksgiving rolls around, I pause to think of the things I’m most grateful for. Without exception, my dog Navi and the many dogs I’ve known and loved at Canine Campus always make my list.

I’m so thankful for the seemingly endless comfort, companionship and laughter that dogs have brought into my life. And yes, some of them could stand to have a capful of dental fresh added to their water, but they are unwaveringly loyal and so present in the moment that sometimes I can’t believe how grateful I am to have the best job in the world spending time with dogs and their owners every day.
It’s so easy to get caught up with our busy lives and crazy schedules. However, Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect. Dogs teach us so much about love and patience; here are 15 reasons we should all be thankful for our dogs this Thanksgiving – and all year ‘round.
#1. We always have someone waiting to see us at the end of the day.
#2. Dogs allow us to be silly without judgment.
#3. They love being with us no matter where we are or what we’re doing.
#4. They are always there when you need them.
#5. They remind us of the power of persistence.
#6. They show us how to let go and move on.
#7. They make you smile (even when you don’t feel like it.)
#8. They make the best sidekick.
#9. They teach us about resiliency because their spirits are unbreakable. Their tails still wag even on their worst day.
#10. They love us unconditionally.
#11. We can trust them; they will never intentionally hurt us.
#12. They help you stay in shape, even if you don’t feel like exercising.
#13. They are experts at snuggling.
#14. Dogs won’t judge you.
#15. They know how to have fun.
Want more ideas on how to have fun with your dog? Click here for 10 Fun Games to Play with Your Dog to Prevent Boredom…
Our dogs’ stories, and the memories we’ve made with them, are what make dog parenthood so rewarding. During this Thanksgiving week, let’s not forget those sweet, trusting eyes that look up at us and be grateful for the love they’ve brought to our lives.
Why are you thankful for your dog? Leave a comment below…
I’m thankful that my dog (Doug) is the BEST roommate that I’ve ever had. He’s quite, doesn’t bark unless there is a REAL reason to. He heels off or on leash. He’s patient with me. He loves being close but doesn’t have separation anxiety. He’s OK in the car. Oh yeah he’s clean. He loves to be groomed and will “groom” me back. He does funny things when he gets treats.
He is a 10 year old ChiPin and had a rough start, I think he was caged or in a kennel as a young pup. He doesn’t know how to play except with his treats. His skeleton is a little at messed up at the shoulder… but it doesn’t bother him so it doesn’t bother me.
I thankful for him for choosing me.
I’m sure Doug loves you as much as you love him. Thank you for sharing this endearing story.